Whisky, in all its iterations, is not just an end product, not just a drink...though it is a good one at that. It is a science, an art, alchemy and magic, geography and history, and it is people (um, not like soylent green...).
There are many exemplary sites out there on the making and tasting of whisky, and I don't intend on reinventing that wheel. I just want to bring some story to what I think is a fascinating process.
You can see more whisky photographs as well as not-just-whisky photographs and ramblings if you follow the links in the sidebar. Please take
a look...or not.

December 28, 2024


Our first jaunt over to the Isle of Lewis in 2008 started in Ullapool, and a wait for the ferry which would take us across to Stornoway. A pint being in order, we popped into a pub on Shore Street not far from from the ferry terminal. A small group of young men were at a table by the window with quite a few empty glasses in front of them, and one of them had shifted over in order to give us a seat, a gesture I hadn't noticed as I was on my way up to the bar to order. Thinking I had ignored him on purpose, when I returned with our ales he began a slightly inebriated tirade about the virtue of being nice. To no avail could I persuade Roddy that it had not been a slight but an honest oversight on my part. The foundation of his rant was that "it costs nothing to be nice". He's absolutely right, of course. I bought him a pint, but I'm pretty sure he never fully believed my innocence.

The B&B which dad had booked us into was called Suainaval, up the hill from the extraordinary expanse of tidal beach called Tràigh Uuige (Uig Sands). As luck would have it, we were told that a distillery called Abhainn Dearg was in the works just down the road. Off we toddled to have a look. Although there was nobody around to field any questions, I did my due diligence, poking around with my camera and being quite nosey.

We (I) have been back several times since, and although a few things have intervened (Covid, and other insurmountables) I plan to return again sometime in the future. It's such a wonderful story of a place and a dream, really, how could I not.


2008-through the window

Abhainn Dearg 2008 - peeking through the window into the beginning of a warehouse


2011-barrels in the warehouse

2011 - the warehouse fills

2012-Marko Tayburn
 2012 - the dreamer, Marko Tayburn 

2014-Abhainn Dearg from above
2014- the dream grows



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